Leader Formation

Difficult Topics Resources

Challenges of Living the Catholic Faith

Family life that embodies the Catholic Faith can often be challenging. Living the Catholic life as a teen, in forming relationships, in discerning a career or a vocation, and in marriage is bound to cause questions.

Finding Answers to Difficult Topics

We have created FORMED to help in the strengthening of the faith and life of Catholics worldwide. When you may not know what the Catholic Church teaches about a subject, it can be difficult to find trustworthy answers quickly. Again, FORMED is structured to help you find the information and help you seek, whether for a friend, a spouse, a child, a class you are teaching, a homily you are creating, or yourself!

Difficult Topics Covered by FORMED

  • Abortion
  • Cohabitation for Unmarried Couples
  • Contraception and Birth Control
  • Divorce and Remarriage
  • Drugs and Addiction
  • Internal Church Divisions
  • Pornography
  • Same Sex Attraction (SSA) and Homosexuality
  • Suicide
  • Transgender Issues

Importance of Communication in a Spirit of Kindness

Finding the right information can be a challenge, but it's also wise to communicate any information in a spirit of kindness, understanding, and with a desire to help. St. Paul admonished the Christians in Ephesians 4:11-16 as a part of their own formation, and we encourage any and all discussions, teaching, or personal encouragement to reflect this approach.

(Quote about communication from Ephesians 4:11-16)

Balance Between Truth and Love

The Catholic Church is built upon Christ and his teachings, upon the Sacred Scriptures, upon the apostles and their successors, and so there is generally not too difficult to find out what the Catholic Church teaches about a particular issue or subject. St. Paul urges our communication to be a balance of truth and love. We should never change the church's teachings to accommodate the desires of someone if they are mistaken or in sin; neither are we to create a discussion that is not reflecting a deep mutual respect for everyone, a desire to help, and an eagerness to listen carefully to every speaker.


We hope FORMED can be a resource of helpful ministry to you; the better prepared you are for these discussions, the better you can pray and reflect the love of Christ to those who need your assistance. May God bless you in your ministry, family, or discipling situations.

Request for Additional Topics

If there is a topic you would like Augustine Institute to add to this section, please let us know, as we plan to continue to update and introduce new information to meet the needs of Catholics everywhere.

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