Use any of these formats below with Reborn as your video and discussion component.
- One-Session Parent Meeting: Use all three sessions of Reborn in a two-hour parent meeting that includes group discussion between sessions.
- Two-Session Parent Meeting: Study Session 1 and Session 2 of Reborn in a 90-minute parent meeting, followed by Session 3 and the Bonus Session for Parents in a second 90-minute parent meeting.
- Three-Session Parent Meeting: Devote a 60-minute parent meeting to each of Reborn’s three sessions.
- Reverse Classroom: Ask parents to watch Session 1 at home and answer the questions in the study guide; encourage them to come to your meeting ready to discuss!
- Large-Group/Parish-Wide Study: Offer REBORN as a large-group session and open it up to the entire parish. Use the promotional materials for Reborn found at under Resources. Break into small-group discussions after the videos to discuss.
- Invite parents/godparents to subscribe to Formed before their first meeting: After the parents register for the Baptism class, ask a volunteer to call to congratulate them and also to help the parents subscribe to Formed before the first session. This will give them a warm welcome and ensure that they are set up on Formed both online and with the Formed App.
- Participant Guides: Order full color guides for each participant here at 10% off for FORMED parishes.