Ministry Resources

Confirmation Pathway

Looking for the perfect content for your Confirmation classes this year?

Perhaps more than any other sacrament, the Sacrament of Confirmation draws in young people who are at widely different points on their faith journeys. For some, Confirmation is the capstone of a strong and vibrant religious education program through their elementary and middle school years. Others have been absent from religious education since their First Holy Communions and might attend Mass only sporadically.

The Augustine Institute’s Confirmation preparation resources appeal to all members of this diverse audience; they are easy for catechists to use and help both children and parents encounter Christ and the Catholic Faith.

Best Practices

For Sponsors

  • Invite sponsors into the process and help them engage with the confirmand. Since our programs are digital, it’s easy to share Formed with the sponsors and ask them to watch/listen along side the students and parents.  Most of the recommended content above is less than an hour in length which makes them a great starting point. Any of the studies are great for sponsors as well.  

For Parents and Families

  • Engage the parents in growing in their own faith and in teaching their children. Be sure to sign up all parents on Formed so they can participate and engage with their children.
  • Promote daily prayer for confirmandi and parents. We have many resources on Formed for those parents who may not be as familiar with the Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Novena’s, etc.
  • Promote family prayer during this time of sacramental preparation

Restored Order and RCIC

  • For dioceses using the Restored Order of the Sacraments, or for children preparing for receiving the Sacraments of Initiation at a young age, Formed offers Signs of Grace, a resource to help younger children prepare for first reconciliation, Confirmation and first Holy Communion preparation.

Webinars for Youth Ministry Leaders

Success Stories

Additional Pathways