Ministry Resources

Pastors Pathway

Pastors, this pathway is for you!

As a pastor, it can be difficult to provide the programs and resources that inspire and nourish your flock. Not all parishes are equipped with the expertise, time, or funding to create their own programs. With a Formed subscription, your parish has access to engaging content that is catechetically solid and professionally produced. Formed media is available for use in a ministry setting or for parishioners to view at home, with many programs offered in both English and Spanish.

The Augustine Institute provides a Pastor’s Pathway below for making the most of the content available on Formed for you as a pastor, and for the flock that your serve.

Best Practices

  • Parish Care Support: For technical questions or concerns, the fastest way to a solution is to create a support ticket. You can also call 1-844-367-6331. Our fantastic Parish Care Support Team responds to every ticket and will get back to you during our regular hours of operation.
  • Formed Admin Tool: The Formed Admin Tool is the way Formed administrators can access and manage Formed users, update payment information, and see key subscription information. Visit the Formed Admin Page to get started.
  • Formed Coaching: Schedule a free coaching session with our Formed experts for you, your staff, ministry leaders, catechists, and most on-fire parishioners.  We will help you create an evangelization plan for the upcoming year.

Strengthen Your Staff and Parish Leaders:  

Introduce Formed to your staff with these simple steps:  

  • Ask them to watch this 20–minute video tour of Formed.
  • Ask them to spend some time exploring Formed and the Formed Leaders Site for resources specific for their ministry; then, share with you at least one resource they will use this month.
  • Listen and discuss resources: either schedule time together with your staff to watch and discuss various studies and Lighthouse talks on Formed, or ask people to listen on their own and share something they learned at the start of your staff meetings.

Be sure to share Formed with your school principal and teachers if you are the canonical administrator.

Strengthen Your Parish Community:  

Your excitement will be contagious.  Speak often from the pulpit about your personal recommendations.

  • Daily: Encourage your parish to register for our Daily Reflections.  
  • Weekly: Ask your bulletin editor to include This Week on Formed. In addition, include two to three sentences from the pulpit each week highlighting something on Formed.

Use these letters to announce your parish’s Formed subscription: Letter from the Pastor to Parishioners (English / Español)

  • Monthly: Light a fire within your parish from the pulpit by regularly suggesting an audio on Lighthouse talks, audiobooks, and audio dramas resonate with those who are busy but can listen while driving, exercising, or working around the house.  
  • Yearly: Catholics tend to be open to doing more work on their faith lives during Advent and Lent.  This is a great time to offer a parish-wide study or a weekly Lighthouse talk. Give them a path to follow and a shepherd to lead them.
  • Sick/Homebound: Share Formed with those who are sick or homebound.  Request donations to purchase Roku sticks that can be given to the homebound so they can watch the material on Formed on their television sets.  
  • Parents: Encourage parents with resources such as:
  • In the Confessional: Pastors have shared with us that Formed can even be used as a penance!  Suggest these powerful resources to help people fight sin and grow in holiness:

Strengthen Yourself as a Pastor:

Let the resources on Formed encourage and uplift you. Not only will you grow in faith and holiness, but your enthusiasm will overflow to your parishioners.

  • Audio Books and Lighthouse Talks: Use time in the car to listen to audio talks while driving around your community or when out on visits to the sick or homebound.  
  • Play Formed videos on your T.V. An inexpensive Roku stick allows you to watch Formed on the big screen. Tutorial Video.
  • Pray the Novena of Surrender To Jesus:  Jesus reminds us that a thousand prayers cannot equal one single act of surrender, summed up in “O Jesus, I surrender myself to You, take care of everything!”

Webinars for Pastors