
Example Pulpit Announcements

Cell Phone Sunday Launch

Learn more about Cell Phone Sunday Launch

  • Weekend before Cell Phone Sunday Launch (Pastor)

    "I have a special announcement this week that might take you by surprise.  Next week something special will be happening here at (parish name) at each Mass.  I will be giving you a gift.  I would ask you to bring your Cell Phone to Mass next weekend.  That’s right…bring your cell phone to Mass. I know that’s not something you would normally hear me say (smile), but you will understand more next weekend."

  • Weekend after Cell Phone Sunday Launch (Pastor)

    "Thank you for the overwhelming response to FORMED.org last weekend. For those of you who were not here, we announced that our parish has subscribed to a dynamic new online platform called FORMED. Every parishioner will have 24/7 access to the best Catholic content on any device, including your computer, smartphone and tablet with internet access. With FORMED you’ll find video programs that explain the Catholic faith, explore the deepest meaning of marriage, receive Bible studies on a variety of topics and includes inspiring audio talks. And you’ll find presenters like Dr. Tim Gray, Dr. Edward Sri, Dr. Mary Healey, Chris Stefanick, Dr. Scott Hahn and a lot more. They’re all part of our parish subscription.  

    It’s easy to register. Just go to to signup.formed.org for more information, check the bulletin, or visit the parish website.  

    For those of you who were here, I hope you ‘pressed play’ and completed your assignment which was to watch something on FORMED. I look forward to hearing your thoughts after Mass and throughout the week.

    Your challenge this week is to spread the word! This is not only a resource for you to grow in your Catholic faith, but also something that you can share with friends and loved one.  That’s right…it’s free for them as well.  Think about this…when you go to a great restaurant, what do you do? You recommend that restaurant to a friend!  This is what we want you to do with FORMED.  Share the Good News."

Ongoing Promotion:

  • FORMED Pulpit Announcement  (Pastor)

    Our Lord is found right here in the Mass. When you leave this sacred place today, where can you find him next? It turns out he is right in the palm of your hand (he holds up a smart device) through FORMED, a premier Catholic streaming service free to all parishioners. Through FORMED, you can make your every day a holy day.

    (Reverse Collection with registration cards; have everyone sign up right there)

    (Pastor then shares details of parish-wide launch)
  • FORMED Launch (or Relaunch) Weekend (Pastor)
    “The eyes are the window to the soul," the saying goes. So, what we ourselves watch and let our children watch on the countless screens in our lives is making a lifelong impression. At our parish, we now have the excellent opportunity to set our sights on something that will feed our souls. It is FORMED, the premier Catholic streaming service free to all parishioners.

    (Reverse Collection with registration cards; have everyone sign up right there)

    (Pastor then shares details of upcoming parish-wide launch)

Consider promoting FORMED each week from the pulpit with the bulletin announcements with just a sentence or two highlighting a new title(s) on FORMED. Vary the content with audio, movies, ebooks, and Bible studies; promote resources for adults, teens, children and families.

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