Ministry Resources

Sent Evangelization | The Power of Testimony

“O Come to the Fountain all you who are thirsty.”
– Isaiah 55:1

The ability to articulate what God has done in your life and witness his living, transforming presence today can catalyze hope and conversion for seeking souls. People are thirsting for God but often do not know it. As Thomas Dubay quotes, we all are “an incarnated thirst” – nothing in the world seems to be enough: “Every single choice you make all day long is proof that you seek, you desire, you want, you lack…nothing is ever enough.”i

Without God as the source of fulfillment, we repetitively seek meaning from the wrong sources such as accomplishments, people, or experiences that yield discouragement, discontentment, or a bottomless desire for more.

Our world is thirsting for God and needs examples of who he is and how he is at work today so people can recognize God’s constant pursuit and invitation to know him, the source of all “living water” (John 4:13-15). A testimony is a tool that can forge a path between heaven and earth for individuals seeking God.

[1] And You Are Christ's: The Charism of Virginity and the Celibate Life, Chapter 2, pg 21.

What is a testimony?

A testimony shares a witness account of God’s action in your life, who you were before God’s action, and who you are after. In other words, a testimony follows a simple pattern of answering:  

1. Who was I before I experienced God in my life?  

2. What did God do, how did He love me?  

3. How am I today? What difference did God make?  

Just like Salvation History recounts God’s pursuit of his people from the beginning of creation through the kings and prophets to fulfillment in Jesus Christ, a testimony summarizes the gifts of grace God has given you to turn your heart back to him when it went astray. Clearly explaining how God has impacted your life by bringing you from one way of thinking, living, and existing to another is one of the most essential skills to master as an evangelist.  

In St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he writes:

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control"
– 1(Gal. 5:22-23)

Reflecting on these gifts of the Holy Spirit can bring insight into your testimony and become a litmus test revealing marks of the Holy Spirit or places you encountered God’s presence. Retrospectively, invite the Holy Spirit to remind you where in your life you have been filled with the fruits of the Holy Spirit? Have you always experienced that fruit, and if not, what was the change process?  

In other words, ask yourself:

  1. What was the struggle or place of darkness in my life? Where was I void of the fruits of the Holy Spirit?  
  2. What did God do?
  1. How am I different today? What fruits of the Holy Spirit are present?  

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What is a testimony?

Different types of testimonies

As you continue in missionary activity, you might find having a few types of testimonies in your toolbelt helpful.

One type is your overarching conversion story. Your conversion story can recount how you were living without God, how God acted, and what life with God looks like now. It is the initial story of you falling in love, surrendering, and trusting God. The overarching testimony of your conversion—or reversion—to God is powerful and meant to be shared! Our encounter with God's love is ongoing as disciples and beloved children of God.

We often have one central overarching conversion testimony that goes to the crux of our initial conversion stage. Still, abundant “mini” testimonies of God’s love explain how God touched a particular aspect of your identity, heart, mind, or mode of living and conformed it more to himself even after your conversion.

Additionally, you can share a testimony at different time lengths. If you happen to be on a long plane ride, the time yields itself to a more detailed story than if you have 2 minutes at the door, or even less when in an elevator. The art of giving a testimony keeps you on your toes! Learning to see God’s transforming power and love in your life and how to articulate it clearly to others, both in length and type, is a witness that God is loving, real, and alive today.  

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Different types of testimonies

A tip of encouragement

As you pray about your conversion story and testimony of God's hand print, remember that while emotions are wonderful, a conversion story does not need to trigger the emotional roller coaster. Not all conversion stories are sensational, dramatic, or tear-jerking, although some are!

St. Paul, for example, had a very theatrical outward conversion story in which he went from persecuting Christians and viewing Jesus’ apostles as his enemies, to being struck off a horse by the power of God, going temporarily blind, to becoming one of the most fruitful evangelists, disciples, and apologists in the early Church. It was all by God’s doing.

In contrast, St. Therese of Lisieux had a more internal and sheltered conversion story. Despite never falling away from her faith as a child, St. Therese had a particular encounter with God on Christmas Eve, which gave her the grace to compose herself and interact with her family, and later the religious sisters in her community, in a new way. Isaiah 43:19 reminds us, “Behold, I am doing a new thing”.

Whether you were struck off a horse or received a hidden grace from God that profoundly impacted how you saw yourself, your life purpose, and others – know that every testimony brings glory to God and the unique ways He makes each soul. Testimonies witness that God constantly speaks and pursues all creation to His love.  

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A tip of encouragement

When to share your testimony at the door

A wise principle to follow when engaged in missionary work is to wait for the person to ask the question before providing the answer. Sharing a specific piece of truth, theological explanation, or story of God’s action in your life when a person does not care can often feel like throwing “the pearls before the swine” (Matthew 7:6). The best time to share a specific story is when a person is demonstrating curiosity or seeking to understand. People cannot yet receive the profound beauty of the Church’s teachings on transubstantiation or human sexuality before they’ve come to trust the Church as good and a source of wisdom.

A conversion story can be a great tool to reveal God to a person, particularly when they start asking questions such as, “Why are you Catholic?”, “What good have you found in the Church?”, “Why are you so happy?” or even, “Why do you care so much to come knock on my door?”. A “micro” testimony on how your prayer life has changed, your attitude from hostility to fervor on a specific church teaching, or your encounter with God’s love in the Eucharist can also be a beautiful witness to share.

Invite the Holy Spirit to nudge you during your conversation at the door and follow the promptings to listen well to the person’s curiosities so you know when, what, and how much to share.  

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When to share your testimony at the door

“Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.  


A testimony can spark hope and life in a person’s mind and heart. When people realize there might be alternative sources to quench their thirst and that a living God loves them, their openness to faith increases. Modern times make it easier for people to disregard the supernatural as real or blind them to seeing God move in their lives.

Testimony–whether it is your core conversion story of how you encountered God or how a small part of your interior disposition directed itself more fully to the Lord–can help an unbeliever open their hearts to know God loves them and is the fulfillment of their every desire.  

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