Ministry Resource

When a Loved One Dies By Suicide

When A Loved One Dies By Suicide is a grief support resource lovingly created by and for individuals who have experienced suicide loss. Based on the book first published by Ave Maria Press in 2020, these compelling films feature the stories of Catholics who have lost loved ones to suicide. If you have experienced suicide loss, this resource will encourage you to reflect on how our Catholic faith can facilitate spiritual healing, offer comfort in the midst of ongoing grief, and inspire both hope and service.

This resource is intended primarily for those who have lost loved ones to suicide, and is recommended for use in grief support and bereavement groups. However, others may find it helpful and informative. Suicide and mental health challenges impact countless communities, and we are all called to the ministry of accompaniment. The Facilitation Guide provides suggested guidelines for utilizing this resource in support group settings or as part of ongoing mental health ministry training.

● Eight films
● A Reflection Guide with safety notes, teaching points, reflection questions, and prayers
● A Facilitation Guide
● An additional short film on CAMS, a suicide prevention framework


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