
This Week on Formed

Find a collection of suggested Formed videos for your parish to watch every week of the year.

This tool allows parish leaders to pull from our list of suggested liturgical content and promote it in their parish every week - helping parishioners consume media that helps them enter more deeply into the life of the Church.

To find this week’s featured content, see This Week on Formed.

How to use This Week On Formed:

  1. Select your download preference: Choose "Full Page," "Individual Content," or "Text Only."
  2. Select the desired week.
  3. Click the button for the content you want.

For descriptions only:

  1. Select the desired week.
  2. Copy and paste the description of the content.

This tool is especially helpful for:

  • Bulletin editors
  • Directors of religious education
  • Individual parishioners seeking great content on Formed and live liturgically.

Add This Week on Formed to your parish website:

Copy and paste the iFrame code below:

<iframe src="" width="100%" height="800"></iframe>

Be sure you are in your editor’s “code/text view” when pasting the code.
The height assumes you will be placing the iFrame at a width of approximately 320 pixels.

If you place the iFrame into a narrower space, you’ll need to increase the height (otherwise it will display with a scroll bar).
If you place it in a wider space, you can decrease the height.

Full Page Downloads

These full-page PDF and JPG options are perfect for creating engaging bulletin inserts.

Download options:

  • Full page PDF: [Page size: 8.5" x 11"]
  • Full page JPG: [Page size: 8.5" x 11"]

Individual Content Downloads

These individual video selections are ideal for promoting specific content in your bulletin, Flocknote, or email.

Download options:

  • Tall JPG: Approximately 2.375" x 7.375"
    • (can also be used as a full page, if desired)
  • Wide JPG: Approximately 5.5" x 3.625"

Each download includes a QR code. Scan the QR code with your phone to access the content directly.

Important note:

  • Do not scale the JPGs smaller than 1/4 page. This ensures the QR code remains legible at a minimum size of 2 x 2 cm (0.8 x 0.8 in). Smaller QR codes may become blurry and unusable.

Text Only

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