Ministry Resources


This pathway exists to assist parishes in running OCIA programs by leveraging the resources you have through your Formed subscription.

Whether you are new to leadership of an OCIA (formerly RCIA) program or have been welcoming catechumens into the Church for a long time, you know that one of the challenges of the program is finding trustworthy resources that will inspire and inform the people you are shepherding.

The Augustine Institute is blessed and grateful to offer you a wide range of resources to form the structure of your OCIA program. Depending on the needs of your group, you have the ability to choose one resource or to use several in combination with one another. Resources include individual videos as well as those that are part of a video series; audiobooks; eBooks; a live weekly Catholic talk show; and webinars. Please read below for a description of each resource.

Best Practices  

  • Make use of the highly recommended participant guides for Symbolon.
Symbolon Part 1 - Participant Guide (5-Pack)
  • Consider ordering each catechumen a new Bible. The newly-translated English Standard Version Catholic Edition Bible (ESV-CE) includes refinements to nearly 60,000 words from the Revised Standard Version (RSV) and is the best literal translation, written in smooth and readable English.
  • Convert drive time to faith time. Invite catechumens to listen to and read inspiring stories of conversion by some of the most sought–after Catholic speakers of our time.
    A great start is Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
    In this sixty-minute audio talk, Dr. Brant Pitre uses the Hebrew Scriptures and Jewish tradition to frame the actions of Jesus at the Last Supper and to provide a fresh look at the heart of Catholic practice—the Eucharist. By taking us back to the Jewish roots of our Faith, Dr. Pitre gives us a powerful lens through which to see anew the bread of the presence, the manna, the Last Supper, and ultimately, the meaning of the Eucharist.

Additional suggested titles are listed below:

Webinars for OCIA/RCIA Leaders

Success Stories