Leader Formation

Same-Sex Attraction

Difficult Topics

The Catholic Church's teachings on same-sex attraction (SSA) and homosexuality are a source of ongoing discussion. Here are some resources for study and pastoral care:

Foundational Principles

  • All people are created in God's image and deserve respect (Catechism, no. 2358).
  • The Church teaches "compassion and sensitivity" towards those with SSA (Catechism, no. 2358).

Formed Content

Online Resources

Other Online Sources:

USCCB document:

YouTube Videos

Related Resources

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Online Resources

Book Recommendations

In Pursuit: Confessions of a Gay Catholic Teenager (Lifeteen)

Made for Love: Same Sex Attractions and the Catholic Church by Father Mike Schmitz

Related Resources

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Book Recommendations

Additional Notes

  • Contact Ruth Gladitsch of Y-Disciple for access to their videos on teens and the LGBTQ experience.
  • Contact Ruth for a copy of "In Pursuit: Confessions of a Gay Catholic Teenager."
  • D-Group leaders are provided a copy of "Made for Love" during their first year.

Related Resources

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Additional Notes

Related Resources

Related Resources

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