Ministry Resources

Sent Evangelization

Welcome to Sent!

"Whom shall we send?"

In the words of St. Paul, "Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, but how can men believe in him in whom they have never heard and how can they hear without a preacher and how can men preach unless they are Sent."

But who will be sent? And sent not to distant missions, but within our own parish territories, to the vast and largely forgotten majority of our brothers and sisters who do not yet know Jesus, yet live surrounding our churches.

Sent Evangelization provides Catholic pastors with the method and tools to reach all the souls living within their parish boundaries (Christus Dominus no. 30.1). And does so by equipping parishioners with a neighborhood evangelization method, based on baptismal identity and focused on charity.  

This page offers a variety of resources, including links, PDFs, and videos, to accompany the series on Formed. These resources will provide additional best practices and tips for launching a Sent mission team and the art of door-to-door evangelization. We want to support you in launching Catholic neighborhood evangelization at your parish!  

Resources for Sent Evangelization


Austin Habash, founder of Sent Evangelization, shares best practices in this 7-Episode Series on Catholic Door-to-Door Evangelization.

Book & Audio

Catholic Neighborhood Evangelization

To hear the mind of the Sent Evangelization Founder, in written form, download the book  Catholic Neighborhood Evangelization, from

For a brief summary of Sent Evangelization, listen to the talk: The Gift of Door-to-Door Evangelization.

Formed Coaching

If you are a current Formed customer and would like to speak with someone about Sent implementation or method, please sign-up for a Coaching Session.

Evangelization Workshops

With a Sent Evangelization Specialist

If you would like a member of the Sent Evangelization team to run a one-day Evangelization Workshop at your parish or diocese (price not included with Formed) send an email to:

Related Resources

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