Our Parishes—The Church’s Great Missionary Opportunity

Our Parishes—The Church’s Great Missionary Opportunity

Parish re-openings are a blessing of opportunity for recharging and redirecting parish culture, outreach, and ministry.

On our June 30 webinar, hear from parish renewal expert Tim Glemkowski about the culture change parishes need to operate missionally and apostolically in today’s Church.   Tim joins our webinar as a founding member of the Revive Parishes apostolate, whose online courses are now streaming on FORMED.

The Augustine Institute’s Brian Truckenbrod hosts the conversation, featuring insights and recommendations for making the most of parish spiritual and community momentum in the months to come.

Webinar Resources

Building Ramps to the RCIA Expressway: A Dynamic, Year-Round Approach

Building Ramps to the RCIA Expressway: A Dynamic, Year-Round Approach

Join the Augustine Institute’s Don Walter and guest Tina Gregory.  Learn about an innovative RCIA program that serves a flock eager to travel the way of our Catholic faith, its sacraments, and traditions.  This webinar covers best practices in RCIA programs and makes recommendations for content, as well as tips on design and scheduling; social media strategies; use of meeting technology, such as Zoom; and how to recruit engaged and sympathetic group facilitators.

Tina Gregory is coordinator of Communication and Adult Enrichment at St. Michael Catholic Church, Livermore, California.

Webinar Resources

How Can a Parish Set the Hearts and Souls of Young Adults on Fire?

How Can a Parish Set the Hearts and Souls of Young Adults on Fire?

In 2018, Jimmy Ludwig and his friend Joe Vicario, both now 23 years old, were young, Catholic adults who wanted to grow in their own faith, serve others, and build up the Church.  Together, they founded the Catching Fire ministry for young adults in Cleveland, Ohio. Today Catching Fire welcomes dozens of Cleveland-area young adults who want to be connected with their Catholic faith and brothers and sisters as they start careers, families, and vocations.

Hear Jimmy and Joe’s all-in, from the ground-up, faith-filled story about starting a ministry that welcomes, includes, and engages young adults on this Augustine Institute Parish Leader Weekly Webinar.

Webinar Resources

Get the Jump on Sacramental Preparation Planning: Stacey Pinder and Signs of Grace

Get the Jump on Sacramental Preparation Planning: Stacey Pinder and Signs of Grace

Stacy Pinder is a senior evangelization specialist, devoted to sacramental preparation, at the Augustine Institute.  Her daily contact with frontline, parish-level practitioners puts her in a unique position to talk about what has worked in parishes in the past year and what the challenges of “Sac Prep Restart” promise to be.

Webinar Resources