Reaching Fallen-Away Catholics

Reaching Fallen-Away Catholics

Austin Habash

Founder of Sent Evangelization Austin Habash will share his expertise and practical tools to support parish leaders in reaching those who aren’t present on Sunday. 
 Join us on August 28th at 11am MST as he discusses how to: 
  • Answer Jesus’ call of the Great Commission at your parish 
  • Create a game-plan to find the fallen-away Catholics of your community 
  • Develop strategies to evangelize and foster encounters with Jesus 

Register Here


A New Way to Hand on the Faith on American Soil

A New Way to Hand on the Faith on American Soil

Taylor Kemp

Taylor Kemp, Augustine Institute’s Vice President of Content, shares on our new, refreshed, series, Symbolon: The Faith of the Church. Come learn how the updated Symbolon: 
  • Equips parish leaders to hand on the ancient faith to modern Americans 
  • Invites viewers to an encounter with the living God here and now 
  • Is crafted to deepen our understanding and connection to the faith 

Evangelizing the Family with Word of Life

Evangelizing the Family with Word of Life

Barbara Austin is Director of Evangelization at St. Mark’s Parish in MD. She oversees all Sacramental preparation from Baptism to Marriage Preparation. She also facilitates Family Faith Formation, RCIA and manages Adult faith formation.

In this webinar, Barbara discusses: 

  • The call to the new evangelization and the necessity for forming families
  • Her story of catechetical revival at St. Mark Parish

Are You Saved? What Every Catholic Should Know About Salvation

Are You Saved? What Every Catholic Should Know About Salvation

Dr. Barber talks about salvation, the subject of his book Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know. A dynamic speaker and author, Dr. Barber’s presentation includes:

  • Common misconceptions about what salvation is

  • How to articulate Catholic teaching on salvation

  • How parish and school leaders can talk about salvation in an accessible way in their communities