Sanctuary for Catholics on FORMED Supports a Parish Addressing Mental Health

Sanctuary for Catholics on FORMED Supports a Parish Addressing Mental Health

This past summer, St. Mary Parish in Uxbridge, MA, offered The Sanctuary Course for Catholics, an eight-session program that streams on FORMED, designed to start faith-based community discussions about mental health and illness.

Hear St. Mary’s story about their experience offering Sanctuary for Catholics and the importance of a parish’s focus on mental health among their flock and in their community.

The Augustine Institute’s Brian Truckenbrod hosts.

Looking for new ideas, tips, and best practices to put FORMED to work in your parish this year?  Alan has a wealth of experiences, stories, and advice to share with parish leaders, ministry heads, and pastors.

Webinar Resources

Using FORMED as Formation for the Whole Parish

Using FORMED as Formation for the Whole Parish

Our special guest Alan Padlock, Head of Formation, St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, Kenosha, Wisconsin, joins host Brian Truckenbrod.  Hear about how Alan has put FORMED to work across a variety of ministries, small group faith communities, and family and age groups in his parish.

Looking for new ideas, tips, and best practices to put FORMED to work in your parish this year?  Alan has a wealth of experiences, stories, and advice to share with parish leaders, ministry heads, and pastors.

Webinar Resources

Not Just For Kids: How SIGNS OF GRACE Evangelizes Parents

Not Just For Kids: How SIGNS OF GRACE Evangelizes Parents

Deacon Kevin Bagley joins Brian to talk about the “nuts and bolts” of St. Andrew’s family-based sacramental program that includes 75 children each year:

  • Weekly two-hour sessions on Sunday afternoon
  • Sacramental preparation sessions Deacon Kevin leads with parents
  • How Deacon Kevin “demystifies” the confessional for his families
  • How SIGNS OF GRACE, PRESENCE, and FORGIVEN work together to prepare families for and increase understanding of the sacraments

Webinar Resources

Family-Base Sacramental Preparation in Today’s Parish

Family-Base Sacramental Preparation in Today’s Parish

Stacy Wendt, FORMED content specialist and an expert practitioner of family-based sacramental preparation programs at the diocesan and parish levels, shares best practices and tips for bringing family-based, parent-reaching sacramental preparation to life in your parish:

Also, you learn about “PREPARED FOR GRACE,” a new way for your parish to access online sacramental preparation programs from the Augustine Institute, whether your parish has a FORMED subscription or not.

Webinar Resources

Sharing the Gospel with the Millennial Generation

Sharing the Gospel with the Millennial Generation

Taylor Kemp, former professional soccer player, graduate of the Augustine Institute Graduate School, and FORMED Platform Manager, discusses evangelizing millennials.

Taylor discusses some principles he has learned through evangelizing athletes and his millennial peers, the need to present the Gospel in a compelling way and as a competing vision to the reality many today are living in, and other key pastoral insights.

The Augustine Institute’s Brian Truckenbrod hosts the conversation featuring recommendations for how today’s Catholic parish can evangelize to this storied cohort.

Webinar Resources

Our Parishes—The Church’s Great Missionary Opportunity

Our Parishes—The Church’s Great Missionary Opportunity

Parish re-openings are a blessing of opportunity for recharging and redirecting parish culture, outreach, and ministry.

On our June 30 webinar, hear from parish renewal expert Tim Glemkowski about the culture change parishes need to operate missionally and apostolically in today’s Church.   Tim joins our webinar as a founding member of the Revive Parishes apostolate, whose online courses are now streaming on FORMED.

The Augustine Institute’s Brian Truckenbrod hosts the conversation, featuring insights and recommendations for making the most of parish spiritual and community momentum in the months to come.

Webinar Resources